Your judgements define you not them

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Your opinions describe your view of the world but maybe not the world as it is

"Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are."

I think this is a take on a quote from Wayne W. Dyer, “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”

I think this is so true. Your opinions of others are like your opinions on anything else. They are yours. They define how you see things. But they may not realistically or accurately describe the person or thing your judgement is about. But your opinions certainly define who you are and are trying to be. They describe your view of the world but maybe not the world.

Judging, Judgements, Define, Views, Opinions, World, Person, Quote, Wayne W Dyer
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Faved September, 04 2014 by:

Hailey Jones
Winnipeg, MB, CA
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Your judgements define you not them - Inspiring & motivating quotes
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